Chaudhary Charan Singh Meerut University (CCSUM) back paper exam code 118 canceled by the university
after catch a fault in question paper printing, actually three long answer type question were absent in the Late evening Meerut University declares exam canceled, the examination will be after over back paper examination and date should also declare soon or later.
paper, each question carries 05 marks equally.
Published for
C.C.S. University back paper started already from 19 November, 2013, and on 21 November examination schedule slip from track track while Bachelor of Art (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Home Science first year second paper code number 118 distribute to the students, some students bring the issue in knowledge of examination in charge and then university.
What was the issue actually?
On the question paper print total marks 35, but question total were 20, short answer type and very short answer type question listed but the long answer question were not printed here on paper, each question carries 05 marks, means the paper was total 20 marks and rest 15 mark question missed here.
Students what to do?
No any students need to worry they all are safe, university canceled all examination center’s exams, other exam will continue and this exam’s new date also declares soon, admit card and other documents will be same neither need to download again for examination nor to pay the exam fee again, all things remain same.
What is the question paper’s right pattern?
Home Science first year exam divided into three parts as I) First paper, II) Second paper and the III) practical and 100 marks divided respectively as 35, 35 and 30,total 100 marks.
paper, each question carries 05 marks equally.
Published for
C.C.S. University back paper started already from 19 November, 2013, and on 21 November examination schedule slip from track track while Bachelor of Art (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Home Science first year second paper code number 118 distribute to the students, some students bring the issue in knowledge of examination in charge and then university.
What was the issue actually?
On the question paper print total marks 35, but question total were 20, short answer type and very short answer type question listed but the long answer question were not printed here on paper, each question carries 05 marks, means the paper was total 20 marks and rest 15 mark question missed here.
Students what to do?
No any students need to worry they all are safe, university canceled all examination center’s exams, other exam will continue and this exam’s new date also declares soon, admit card and other documents will be same neither need to download again for examination nor to pay the exam fee again, all things remain same.
This subject student has to appear according to a schedule that will declare by the CCC university after complete back examination.
Home Science first year exam divided into three parts as I) First paper, II) Second paper and the III) practical and 100 marks divided respectively as 35, 35 and 30,total 100 marks.
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