The general and OBC category candidates who still struggling for admission in CCS university UG course 2014, have one more chance to admission, the university admission comity change the Govt. and Added college's available vacant SC category seats in the UR category seats.Published for
Now unreserved category (UR) students will adjusted on these seats through C.C.S. University 13 merit, and the merit will declare today (28 August).
The admission through 12th merit over on 28/08/2014 and after that next merit will declare, this merit will open the door for candidates who name will in this merit, the listed student’s admission will be as general category, last date admission through thirteen merit is August 30 (30/08/2014). Ch. Charan Singh University working to complete the admission in august with the admission on 29, & 30 August for merit 13, while in the professional course many seats are vacant. Merit 12th admission over today (28/08/2014) on 5:00 PM.

The admission through 12th merit over on 28/08/2014 and after that next merit will declare, this merit will open the door for candidates who name will in this merit, the listed student’s admission will be as general category, last date admission through thirteen merit is August 30 (30/08/2014). Ch. Charan Singh University working to complete the admission in august with the admission on 29, & 30 August for merit 13, while in the professional course many seats are vacant. Merit 12th admission over today (28/08/2014) on 5:00 PM.
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