Published for ccsuniversity.blogspot.com
The M.P.Ed and M.Phil in Education registration also postpones by the C.C.S. University for session 2013-14.
At the time of admission procedure start CCSUM was very clear publicly and also publish on ccsuniversity.blogspot.com, even send written instruction to all colleges that admission will be accept only through online registration procedure, and no any one colleges can take/allot admission directly.But, few Alapshankhak and Law colleges taken it lightly and accept admission to the students without follow proper way and now send list to university for admission approval, the university admission committee NOT ACCEPET all such admission and show the mirror to the colleges.
Committee also added that this is purely college’s mistake university already give to chance for correct their mistake but they have a bed habit to take all thing on thumb.
Students also not less responsible for this, added also, because here are no any students who not knows that this session admission through only online registration so how these colleges can give you admissions directly? All those students know all things, and now they have to pay.
Alapsahnakyak Colleges fill 50% admission in traditional courses directly and they did not confirm these admissions on website, now when send request to confirm for examination, the request toss, and this make student in trouble now.
In addition university asks to colleges and students where university is the responsible for this? And they have no answer.
Law College’s admission case
The LLB Admissions in IMS Law College and Hari College are not much different, they did same in admission, and now approximately 1,500 students in the midle of river, and looking to university for mercy, committee also not approve those admission also.B.A., B.Com. Cases
Some colleges also complain that due to load on admission portal they were unable to confirm admission, but they send admission list to the university, university has forward list to check and confirm valid admissions.Committee also postpones M.P.Ed. & M.Phil registration in Education, university working to open registration for admission in self finance college’s seats, but , because of last year examinations still is pending, so that new session registration can’t start.
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